This tournament was the brainchild of Roger Crocker of Sheboygan, Wisconsin and Hebert Spohn of Madison, Wisconsin when they conveived the idea of having a touranment for Deaf golfers in the Midwest area. The respone to the first tournament at the Elkhart Lake Golf Course (Quit-Qui-Oc Golf Course) in Elkhart, Wisconsin on August 9, 1947, exceeded expectations as 20 golfers showed up. Ray Kessenich of Madison, Wisconsin won the orginal 18-hole outing with a score of 80. After the tournament, a banquet was held, and Roger Crocker suggested that the tournament become an annual affair. Larry Yolles moved that we form a new organization. To be known as the Midwest Deaf Golf Association. The motion was unanimously carried and was officilay formed with the name it now bears. Dues were $1.00 a year. The first officers of the MDGA were: Frank Sullivan of Chicago, Illinois as the first President and Larry Yolles of Milwaukee, Wisconsin was the Secretary-Treasurer. All golfers received a prize. A tradition that exists to the present time.